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Master of Science in Pharmacy at Saarland University

The Programme


For admission to the Master programme, you need a Bachelor degree in Pharmacy which grants you the right to work as a pharmacist (by German means) in your country.


The Master programme in Pharmacy at Saarland University consists of:

  • Research project
  • Master thesis
  • Oral defense

Research project and thesis have to be accomplished within 9 months.

If you are interested in a Master studentship in Pharmacy at our university, please take a look at the topics of our research groups and then contact the leader of the group which matches your scientific interests and might therefore potentially accept you for a research project.

Important: If you are the one who is interested in a Master studentship, you shall be the one to contact us! Neither your parents, nor your spouse, nor any other relatives, nor a friend or colleague who already lives in Germany!

Frequently asked questions

Click on the questions to see the answers.


I do not have a Bachelor degree in Pharmacy, but a Bachelor in another natural science (chemistry, biology, biotechnology etc.). Can I enroll for the programme as well?
How can I check if my degree complies with the requirements?
Please visit the homepage of the German Central Office for Foreign Education.
Which language skills do I need?
Supervision in German or English is possible. Please check this with your supervisor.


How do I apply?
There is no central application office. As stated above, the first thing you need to do is to find a professor or group leader who agrees to be your supervisor. He or she then will guide you through the rest of the process.

Further issues

Who will pay for my studies?
You by yourself. More information is available on the University website.
Where can I find more information concerning visa, accomodation etc.?
Take a look at the website of the Welcome Centre of the International Office.


Guidance concerning Plagiarism
Please read this carefully! During the enrollment, you have to certify that you will follow these guidelines.
Master Regulations
available in German only

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